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How to Include Family Research Council in Your Will |
Cash Bequest
I give and bequeath to Family Research Council, Washington, DC (Federal Tax I.D. # 52-179 2772) the sum of _______________ dollars to be used for its general purposes.
Specific Bequest
I give and bequeath to Family Research Council, Washington, DC (Federal Tax I.D. # 52-179 2772) _________ shares of______________[or all my rights, title and interest in the following described property:________________________] to be used for its general purposes.
Residuary Bequest
I hereby give and bequeath to Family Research Council, Washington, DC (Federal Tax I.D. # 52-179 2772) all (or_________%) of the rest, residue or remainder of my estate to be used for its general purposes.
Contingent Bequest
I hereby give and bequeath (description of property) to my spouse, if he or she survives me. If my spouse does not survive me, I give and bequeath (description of property) to Family Research Council, Washington, DC (Federal Tax I.D. # 52-179 2772) to be used for its general purposes.
Gift Through a Trust
Upon the death of (Recipient), the Trustee(s) shall distribute (all, amount, or percentage) of the then-remaining principal and income of the Trust (other than any amount due the Recipient or the Recipient's estate under the provisions above) to Family Research Council, Washington, DC (Federal Tax I.D. # 52-179 2772) to be used for its general purposes.
Gift for Specific Purpose
Modify any of the above with the following insert in place of "general purposes": be used for the following:____________________________. If the Board of Directors of the Family Research Council determines at any time that such purpose is obsolete, inappropriate, or impracticable, the Board member may use the income or principal of the bequest for whatever purpose the deem advisable within the charitable mission of Family Research Council.
The Family Research Council Office of Charitable Gift Planning 801 G Street NW Washington, DC 20001 |
For additional information call toll free 877-372-0804 send an email to [email protected] |